This is an incomplete list of books and articles that I have found to be interesting and stimulating over the time. This list doesn't equals endorsement.
- Anarchism starts in the now: hope for a better future - Maia Arson Crimew
- How Much Energy Do We Need? - Low-Tech Magazine
- Deserting the Digital Utopia: Computers against Computing - CrimethInc.
- The social ideology of the motorcar - André Gorz
- There’s No Scientific Basis for Race—It's a Made-Up Label - Elizabeth Kolbert, National Geographic
- Failed Economics - Rex Weyler, Greenpeace
- Hacking the Spaces - Johannes Grenzfurthner & Frank Apunkt Schneider, Monochrom
- Ethics and Power in the Long War - Eleanor Saitta
- Of Individualism and Rebellion - Renzo Novatore
- Immaterial Labor - Maurizio Lazzarato
- The Tyranny of Structurelessness - Jo Freeman
- Feminist Hackerspaces: The Synthesis of Feminist and Hacker Cultures - Sophie Toupin, Journal of Peer Production
- Bitcoin’s energy use got studied, and you libertarian nerds look even worse than usual - Eric Holthaus, Grist
- Everything Must Go - George Monbiot
- The myth of pedestrian infrastructure in a world of cars - Joe Cortright
- Beyond Cyberpunk: Towards A Solarpunk Future - Steve Lord
- The Internet is for End Users - M. Nottingham
- Science Fiction is a Luddite Literature - Cory Doctorow
- I’m a Luddite. You should be one too - Jathan Sadowski